
[SOLVED] How to get automatic indentation in custom language

You don't need to write a plugin for automatic indentation, you just need to create a tmPreferences metadata file with the indentation rules.

How can I have Auto Indent? - Technical Support

Hi,. I get auto indent when I press F1 with this key binding: {keys: [f1], command: reindent, args: {single_line: false}},.

Auto-Indenting? - Ideas and Feature Requests

Is there automatic indentation in html files? For me, auto indenting works in some languages, but not in html. And the documentation says that ...

Indent XML

SublimeText Indent plugin ... Want more? It can indent only selected text - including multiple selections and even mixed XML / JSON selections. It is smart enough ...


IndentX is a forgiving indentation plugin for Sublime Text inspired by Indent Xml, aimed primarily at preserving attribute ordering and working with invalid ...

Autoindent on Sublime Text

Just Ctrl+Shift+P (or Command+Shift+P on MacOS) to open the tools pallet, type reindent, and pick Indentation: Reindent Lines. It should reindent all the file ...

auto indent - SublimeText: autoindent on save?

I'm wondering if there is any way to autoformat code in ST3 for a specified event (here on save). For instance, I would like Sublime to format my code each ...

Autoindentation in Sublime 2 text editor

Press Ctrl + Shift + P, then I, and the option Indentation : Reindent Lines should come first. Press Enter and it's done.

Is there an HTML auto

You can use the Tag plugin(install from package control). Then just press ctrl + shift + p , and type tag . You'll see the option Auto-Format tags on document.

Auto Indent HTML in Sublime Text on Save

Automatically indent HTML files on save in Sublime Text using the reindent command and event hooks to run on the pre-save event/action.


Youdon'tneedtowriteapluginforautomaticindentation,youjustneedtocreateatmPreferencesmetadatafilewiththeindentationrules.,Hi,.IgetautoindentwhenIpressF1withthiskeybinding:{keys:[f1],command:reindent,args:{single_line:false}},.,Isthereautomaticindentationinhtmlfiles?Forme,autoindentingworksinsomelanguages,butnotinhtml.Andthedocumentationsaysthat ...,SublimeTextIndentplugin...Wantmore?Itcanindento...